What kind of coaching do you need?
There are just as many reasons to work with a coach as there are types of coaching. From Executive Coaching to Transformational Coaching each one has a different objective. Ready to experience the power of being coached by a professional?
If you already know which type of coaching you need then use this link to directly to schedule a free 30-Minute Consultation Call. If not, read below to learn more.

Retain your top talent and maximize their performance by investing in their professional growth and leadership while deepening their commitment to your organization. Executive coaching tells your brightest stars and top prospects that you value their contribution and see their potential for growth and improvement.
Through individual coaching sessions Trish guides those in, and those seeking, leadership positions to tap into the leadership traits that shift their focus from managing employees to leading a team. While an executive may have the necessary skill set for a particular job, as the demands of the job change, as the company itself grows and changes, executives need to adjust to and evolve with those changes.
Through individual executive coaching you can create the inspiring, motivated and effective leaders your organization needs to grow and succeed and build loyalty and commitment to the organization. Informed executives can effectively motivate and empower those they lead to achieve shared goals.

Curated for the woman seeking to transform her life, these coaching sessions are all about courage, strategy and empowerment to make major change. It takes courage to think and dream big! Trish will help you discover and build the inner strength required to transform your life.
Whether at work or in their personal lives, women navigate an ever-changing landscape of obstacles to independence and success. Trish creates a safe space to explore and discover motivations, to establish goals; then to develop strategies to create the changes you seek. She encourages clients to embrace change through empowering perspectives, the challenging of our inner-critic and busting through limiting beliefs of our own and of others.
Having gained strength, found new perspectives, and learned lessons from her own journey, Trish leads her clients through a process of deep questioning, attentive listening, and thought-provoking coaching sessions.

Priorities are different for everyone. Successful teams are able to incorporate individual perspectives and incentivize each contributor toward group success. Trish coaches an individual to the team goals, and the team to the organization’s objectives.
Team coaching infuses the leadership team with renewed energy and focus on achievement. Keeping individual leaders focused on shared objectives while working alongside, or even competing with, colleagues can help your organization achieve its goals, build morale, and establish healthy internal competition. A winning team has a worthwhile objective and incentives that make achievement of common goals meaningful to each individual.
No matter the objective, Trish emphasizes harnessing the tools available, putting them to effective use and maximizing the results.

Personal and professional success is not an accident. Success happens when you are able to identify opportunities to advance your goals and are prepared to make the most of them.
Through Transformational coaching Trish will work directly with you to harness your vision, view your life through new perspectives and practice thought exercises to spark the insights you need to achieve your goals.
Trish’s coaching philosophy is based on designing collaborative Coach-Client alliances which help a client identify their strengths to emphasize and the weaknesses to mitigate and improve.
Your Success On Your Terms
Read MY new FREE e-book
Harness The Power of a Growth Mindset
My new free ebook outlines the important difference between growth and fixed mindsets, what they are, why one is more favorable than the other, and how to make the switch to a growth mindset.